I never knew that making Bibimbap is actually easy and very do-able.. And cheap.. Bibimbap is my all time fav Korean food and usually pretty pricey in some Korean food chain here (since they use top quality meat)
So when I found gochujang (Koreans fermented red chili paste - used in almost all Koreans food) in one of supermarket here, I decided to find bibimbap recipe and make it!
And oh I didnt use grounded beef, I use meat I have in my freezer, and slice it thinly..
Next would be searching dolsot to complete my bibimbap! Yay..
(Dolsot is stone heated Korean bowl, that makes your bibimbap rice crunchy in the buttom.. Yum yum)
(Dolsot is stone heated Korean bowl, that makes your bibimbap rice crunchy in the buttom.. Yum yum)