13th months Kai is in the phase of melepeh makanan :) somehow she just got bored with food.. One time she loves it, then she's lepeh.. Bzzz gives me headache seriously..
But then, if I made this meal, she just kept eating and eating.. Where I didn't make this meal particularly for her.. This is pretty much adult and Indonesian food :) not like the things I usually made for her (spaghetti, mashed potato, macaroni n cheese, etc) haha I guess Kai is really daddy's lil girl..
So here's the recipe.. Abit sour and abit hot :)
Ingredients :
0.5kg ribs
3 tbl olive oil
6 bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
5 cabai merah (throw the seed away to make it less spicy)
1cm lengkuas
2 daun salam
3 tomat (divided into 4)
8 belimbing wuluh (divided half)
2 tblspoon asem jawa
1 teaspoon gula jawa
Telur puyuh, already peeled
How to :
Boiled the ribs, until tender.
Heat the oil in a pan, put the bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai merah, lengkuas, salam and wortel until you can smell the aroma and caramelized.
And mix in the broth. Measure the broth from the ribs. Take 1 liter of the broth.
Add the tomat, belimbing wuluh.
To make the ribs very tender, I used pressure cooker. I cooked it for 45 min.
Then add the asam jawa, gula jawa, salt and sugar to taste :)