Friday, February 10, 2012


Just met a middle age stranger when I wash my breastpump at my office building.. And she told me some crazy myth of pumping my breast :( cukup bikin sedih.. Since she looked sophisticated.. Dan ngomong nya ber-bilingual.. Tapiii kok ndeso pengetahuannya..

Dia blng don't pump your milk... Akan ngerusak ur breast.. Tulang keropos.. Bla bla bla.. Klo mau kerja konsekuensi nya anak nya dikasi tambahan makanan..byk baca dong.. And terakhir yg bikin geli dia blng "dont give ur milk more then 10month.. Krn klo susu nya didiemin akan jd darah.. Di Indonesia gak dikasi tau itu.. " <<daaa.. Bukan nya itu mitos emak emak di Indonesia??? >.<@%%*/()%-&!!! Payah bgt deh ni ibu2 sophisticated...

Blah.. All of the above is just a myth people! Be smart.. Si Ibu itu nyuruh byk baca.. Bzzz jelas2 dia yg gak pernah baca pasti.. Minta ditoyor.. *esmosi.. Cm sdkt sedih aja ternyata byk orang yg masi mem fitnah Asi/breastmilk.. No human can produce milk with the same ingredients as breastmilk.. Not even close.. Breastmilk is the best for your baby and the mums! Period!

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